Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Marriage = Heaven or Hell

Marriage is either heaven on earth or hell on earth. There seems to be little ground between these two extremes. What makes the difference? The best marriages can be described as intimate. Intimacy is a warm, loving and close relationship. Better communication leads to greater intimacy.

Too many couples play communication games. Hints, half-truths, manipulation and intimidation are poor forms of communication. Usually, straight-forward communication is the best. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Secrets will destroy trust. Trust is the foundation of a solid marriage.

To create a safe zone for the truth to be spoken in love, each spouse must be free to share opinions and feelings. Husbands and wives must value each others' opinions. We must give each other the freedom to think differently from ourselves. Forcing my opinion on my wife robs intimacy from our relationship. This leads to arguments or silence. Michelle, my wife, has freedom to share with me what troubles her in my behavior. I need to receive her thoughts without being defensive. We are seeking a solution to our problem, not blame. No one wins an argument. Both lose.

Does your marriage look and feel more like heaven or more like hell? Your ability to communicate will greatly determine which is true.



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