Monday, January 16, 2012

Royal Priesthood-Worship

In Revelation 1:6 Christ followers are refered to as a kingdom of priests. 1 Peter 2:9 the same are refered to as a royal priesthood. This is unusual language. What does it mean to be the royal priesthood? Royal is pertaining to a king, queen or other sovereign. Priesthood refers to priests collectively. Priests are those who conduct worship and act as a mediators between God and other humans.

Aristotle wrote about telos-purpose. He suggested that for humans to floursish we must live telos. In Genesis we are told that humans are created "in God's image." We were given the vocation of filling the earth and ruling over it. God's way of ruling the earth is through his image-bearing people. I believe this is what the philosophers we searching after. What is our purpose? Our purpose is found in virtuous living. Living for the benefit of others and creation itself is our highest calling as people. Of course, very few humans have ever lived this life. Most, if not all, live for self.

Then, Christ entered the world announcing, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven (God) is at hand." Here we have this kingdom talk again. Christ appeared as the ultimate human. Aristotle would have to admit that Jesus is the fulfillment of telos. Apostle Paul in addressing the crowd at Mars Hill in Athens proclaimed concerning Christ, "In him we live and move and have our existence."  Jesus as a human reflected God into the world and reflected the world back to God. He is the eternal High Priest. Jesus demonstrated for us what is the wise rule over creation.

Christ brought healing, forgiveness, peace, joy and love to humanity. This is bringing God's kingdom into the earth. Christ has commissioned his church, his body with this same assignment. God's way of ruling the world is through his image-bearing himans. In order to do this as intended, we must stay in tune with God. Abuse of this authority does not abolish its proper use. Ruling the world as Christ would necessitates our need for worship. In worship our habitual choices are formed. As we allow the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, we demonstrate his fruit to the world-love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control.

We are a priesthood, priest collectively. There must be a greater emphasis on the collective effort of the church more than our personal Christian express. "The gates of hell will not prevail against the church" after all. We need to think in terms of litergy-an arrangement of public worship formed by a church. As we worship through the prayers, praise, teaching, fellowship, Sacraments and Scripture reading of the church we form a priesthood. Out of this worship we flow out the the wider world-mission.
